Our History

Law Office of Andrew L. Jones, P.C. was founded in 1999 and was successfully built into a top quality national outside counsel and commercial litigation practice utilizing approximately 50 contract attorneys and co-counsel law firms. Law Office of Andrew L. Jones, P.C. is focused on creating solutions globally in complex business matters.
Andrew Jones graduated from Baylor Law School in 1999 and immediately began building Law Office of Andrew L. Jones, P.C. on the foundation of Baylor's leading trial law training and 8 years of working as a runner, administrative clerk, paralegal, and law clerk in law firms ranging from one attorney to hundreds of attorneys in Las Vegas, Nevada and in Austin, Waco, and Dallas, Texas.
Since 1999, Law Office of Andrew L. Jones, P.C. has diligently represented a wide array of businesses, including staffing companies, Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), HR outsourcers and consultants, financial services providers, publishers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, trade and professional services providers, oil and gas, electricity, and other energy companies, internet companies, business brokers, investors, and health care providers.
Today, Law Office of Andrew L. Jones, P.C. is emerging primarily as a leader in Complex Commercial Litigation.